GHCDS Sailing Team competes at South Points #3
Friday December 6, 2019
Friday GHCDS Sailors had practice with the Venice High School sailing team at the Venice Yacht Club. Arranged by Kelly Severn, past SCYC Waterfront Coordinator. Olivia Hanley, GHCDS and SCYC Jr sailor alumni joined the team and took them out on the water until the Venice team arrived, after practice our team enjoyed the Venice holiday boat parade. A big thank you to Sylvia Schindler for chaperoning our team!
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The GHCDS Sailing team competed in South Points #3 held at the Sarasota Sailing Squadron, Sarasota, Florida. A beautiful sunny day in Sarasota provided only enough light east breeze before noon to sail races one and two in A Division and race one in B Division, before dying out. Multiple General Recalls were the norm for both A and B division starts. After an almost 3 hour delay, a light westerly filled in (with current running up the course against the breeze) and race 2 in B Division was completed after three general recalls, followed by Races 3 in A and B Divisions, with rotations being completed between them. Competing for GHCDS Varsity Division A; Milo Miller Skipper/ Brielle Schindler crew, Division B; Ariana Schwartz Skipper/ Elyssa Franklin crew. Lucia Bishop Alternate. Our Team did a stellar job in challenging conditions of light and shifty winds and held their own as freshman against mostly upperclassmen sailing teams! Our young team has a bright future ahead!