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You can make a difference in our community by supporting the Junior Sailor Scholarship Fund,
which provides substantial need based discounts to our local sailors.

Your generosity is
 greatly appreciated!!

*If you are feeling extra generous, the Employee Holiday Bonus is an available option.


* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Amount ($USD)
*Donation selection
The Program Fund goes towards equipment, repairs -- any program enhancement.


The Club is formed for the express purpose of promoting interest and activity in the ownership, racing and cruising of yachts and small boats; of providing a meeting place for members whose common interest lies in ships and the sea; of augmenting the recreational facilities and visitor attractions of the island; of exchange and courtesies with other yacht clubs of the United States and Caribbean islands, and of extending to visiting yachtsmen the hospitality of St. Croix.

Call or Fax Us

Office: 340-773-9531

Fax:      888-344-8815


5100 Teague Bay

C'sted, St. Croix 00820

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