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1.)  If a session is marked as full and I would like to be considered for that session, what can I do?  Please register your child on the wait list.  Wait list takes priority when additional spots open up based on instructor loads and guidelines suggested by US Sailing.

2.)  If I'm a member can I register someone outside my immediate family  as a member at member rates?  No, Members are as outlined in the  SCYC bylaws (available here:  https://www.stcroixyc.com/By-Laws ).  Grandchildren, cousins, friends can not be registered  under your membership.

3.)  Are discounts available?  A Discounted member rate is available for active Members who hold a current Family Membership.  Please see our website: https://www.stcroixyc.com/join-SCYC   and consider joining this exciting club to take advantage of member benefits.

4.)  Are Scholarships Available?  Yes, there is an application process.  Please contact waterfront@stcroixyc.com for more information.

5.) While my child is in  sailing program am I able to remain at the SCYC, and enjoy the beach and restaurant?  Only Members are permitted to enjoy SCYC assets.  Parents of Sailing Program participants will be invited to the end of sailing session demonstration and awards afternoon. 

6.)  Are Private Lessons Available?  Depending on instructor availability.  Please coordinate with your session instructors or waterfront coordinator.

7.)  Are adult lessons available?  More adult programs are coming soon.

8.)  Can I register in person?  No - you must register through the online link which requires payment at the time of registration. A spot is not held until registration and payment are complete.  To pay in person please email Waterfront@stcroixyc.com for approval and registration instructions.

9.)  Can we register for just one week or one day  of the session?  Priority is given to those who can attend both weeks of a two-week session. Single-week participation is only available when space allows. Contact Waterfront@StCroixYC.com to check for availability

10.)  What days and times are the sessions?  Each session runs for two weeks, times are listed under the event registration

11.)  Is there extended care?  Aftercare from 3 - 5 may be available when the minimum number of registrations is reached.  An option to register for aftercare is part of the registration process.  No early morning drop off is available. 

12)  My child has no sailing experience - can he/she still participate?  Yes! Participants will be divided into groups based on their sailing abilities.

13)  My child is an advanced sailor - can he/she have special instruction?  Every session will most likely have some more advanced sailors.  Skill level will be evaluated by the Coordinator & Instructors at the beginning of each session to determine how students should be grouped.  If a student would like more advanced coaching, you may discuss options for private lessons with the Program Director.

14.)  How will it be determined what boats my child sails?  Skill level will be evaluated by the Coordinator & Instructors at the beginning of each session to determine how students should be grouped. Which boats a group sails is determined by numerous factors including; skill level, age, weight, availability, weather conditions, etc.

15.)  How can I ensure the my student will get to sail in the same group as his/her friend?  If the friends are the same skill level they will most likely sail together, however, Instructors will evaluate each student and make assignments to groups according to those evaluations.  Instructors have at least Level 1 US Sailing Instructor Certification and are highly qualified to determine the best group level for your sailor.


The Club is formed for the express purpose of promoting interest and activity in the ownership, racing and cruising of yachts and small boats; of providing a meeting place for members whose common interest lies in ships and the sea; of augmenting the recreational facilities and visitor attractions of the island; of exchange and courtesies with other yacht clubs of the United States and Caribbean islands, and of extending to visiting yachtsmen the hospitality of St. Croix.

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Office: 340-773-9531

Fax:      888-344-8815


5100 Teague Bay

C'sted, St. Croix 00820

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