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Mini Gusto Beginner Sailing (Good Hope Country Day Students Only)

  • May 03, 2023
  • 8:30 AM
  • May 05, 2023
  • 11:30 AM
  • SCYC
  • 0


Registration is closed


  • Mini Gusto Beginner Sailing

  • May 3rd-5th   

  • 8:30 am - 11:30 am

  • Boats:  Optimist, Open Skiff, Rhodes 19 and Sunfish


  • 7th Through 12th Grade.
  • No Prerequisites required.
  • No sailing experience necessary.

This fun program explores the waters of the East End of St Croix from a variety of watercraft, including, Opti's, Sunfish and Open Skiffs.  Sailors will increase sailing experience and improve on sailing and nautical skills!  We emphasize the importance of teamwork, respect, and safety in daily lessons.  Our number one goal is to pass on our passion for the sport of sailing to the next generation of St. Croix Sailors.  

    • Those registering multiple students and/or sessions may select "Invoice Me" and enter payment information only once.
    • Registration is not complete and spot(s) will not be held until payment is received in FULL.
    • NOTE** Registration will be automatically canceled if payment is not received within 15 minutes of completing online registration.
    • Must have 3 sailors for session to run.

    Non-members are welcome!

    Requirements are:

    • Must follow all COVID19 protocols
    • Must wear a PFD at all times
    • Must arrive dressed to sail and go directly to assigned boat.
    • Parents must pickup sailor(s) promptly at end of class.
      • If member parent(s) wish to remain at club after class with their children, parents are responsible to ensure COVID19 protocols are maintained by their children. (wearing PPE & 6' distancing)
    • Able to swim 50 yards and pass a swim test.  
    • Must wear a PFD at all times, one will be provided if you do not have one.
    • Sailing gloves and sunglasses are recommended for all courses.
    • This program is a graduated program. We recommend that each sailor go through the designed progression of the program, for each class of boat.  Every child is different and our instructors will assess your child’s skill and comfort with the level at which he/she is sailing.  Instructors may recommend that some students may need to repeat one of the classes if they have not successfully mastered each skill required in that class.
    • Our program strives to create a fun and safe environment where kids can learn and come to love the sport of sailing.  We emphasize the importance of teamwork, respect, and safety in daily lessons.  Our number one goal is to pass on our passion for the sport to the next generation of St. Croix Sailors.

    COVID Protocols will be followed and updated as needed

    For additional Information or any questions:

    Waterfront Coordinator: Waterfront@StCroixYC.com

    GHCD Head Sailing Coach: zach@stcroixyc.com


    The Club is formed for the express purpose of promoting interest and activity in the ownership, racing and cruising of yachts and small boats; of providing a meeting place for members whose common interest lies in ships and the sea; of augmenting the recreational facilities and visitor attractions of the island; of exchange and courtesies with other yacht clubs of the United States and Caribbean islands, and of extending to visiting yachtsmen the hospitality of St. Croix.

    Call or Fax Us

    Office: 340-773-9531

    Fax:      888-344-8815


    5100 Teague Bay

    C'sted, St. Croix 00820

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