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SCYC Saturday Workout w/ Jennifer Deane! 09/9

  • September 09, 2023
  • 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM


Registration is closed

Jennifer Deane's Saturday Morning YC Workout

*A Membership and their guests only program

*Please limit member guests to two club visits per year.

Class info:

Workouts will be (High Intensity Interval Training)HIIT that involve short periods of intense exercises alternated with recovery periods.

  • We will start with a 5-10 minute warm-up, followed by a 30-40 minute HIIT workout and then finish with a 10 minute cooldown.
  • Water breaks will be worked into the workout, but if you feel like you need water before a break, please take it.
  • We will use light weights and bodyweight to perform exercises.
  • All movements can be modified to meet your needs and workout level.

*Please bring water, a yoga mat and or towel, and dumbbells or ankle weights if you have them.

*Please wear appropriate clothes and shoes. If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know prior to class.

Classes will be held most Saturdays,

from 830am-930am.

Sign-ups are for date:  Sept 9nd

Cost: $20 per person/session.

 All sessions are invoiced and may be paid online or at the office.


The Club is formed for the express purpose of promoting interest and activity in the ownership, racing and cruising of yachts and small boats; of providing a meeting place for members whose common interest lies in ships and the sea; of augmenting the recreational facilities and visitor attractions of the island; of exchange and courtesies with other yacht clubs of the United States and Caribbean islands, and of extending to visiting yachtsmen the hospitality of St. Croix.

Call or Fax Us

Office: 340-773-9531

Fax:      888-344-8815


5100 Teague Bay

C'sted, St. Croix 00820

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